To: Rose Fredrick
From: Paul Andrews, President/CEO
Topic: Counter offer for contract services for the Coors Western Art Show and Sale
Date: February 22, 2023
First of all, thank you for your curation of another wonderful show at the 2023 National Western Stock Show. With sales of over one million dollars in art, it ranked in the top two shows in history, and you and the committee should be very proud of that good work. I have had the chance to review with members of the compensation committee, members of the Board of Directors of the Western Stock Show Association, and leadership of the Coors Western Art Show committee, the proposal you put forth for consideration to continue as the Curator of the Coors Western Art Show and Sale. After careful review and discussion, I am providing you a counter offer based on the feedback received during the process.
Yearly contract guaranteed payment: $45,000, paid monthly
Term of agreement: Three successive one-year contracts that automatically renew March 1 of every year. Either side may terminate the contract with notice in the month of February each contract year, by written notice. Year one begins March 1, 2023 and the contract ends March 1, 2026, as the final term of the three successive one-year contracts.
Incentive plan, based on sales of Red Carpet Reception and Club Art: $20,000 available. Incentive plan to be earned at two levels of sales attained (combined totals from Coors Red Carpet Reception and Club Art):
-Over $600,000 sold: $10,000 paid
-Over $700,000 sold: $10,000 paid
Other contract stipulations of importance:
A: As curator, you will work with an art selection task team that will be formed by the WSSA Board of Directors in conjunction with leadership of the Coors Western Art Committee. This task team will jointly select, with the curator, all artists for the show, to insure the desire of the Board of Directors is met for mix of traditional western art vs. more contemporary western art.
B: Due to past challenges with leadership of the finance department of the Western Stock Show Association, you will not be permitted in the office area of the Western Stock Show Association during your contract term. For the current Expo Hall offices, this means you will be restricted to the 3rd floor Coors Art Room area and the expo floor only. No admittance to the office reception area where the WSSA staff resides will be permitted. Once the staff moves to the Legacy building, this will mean no access to the 3rd floor staff offices will be permitted.
Rose, this contract offer is “Best and Final”. I will require a response to these teams no later than February 28, 2023. Should you accept these terms, I will move forward with legal to have a formal contract created based on the terms of this proposal.
Paul D. Andrews
Cc: Doug Jones, Chairman of the Board of the Western Stock Show Association
Lewis Wilks, Chairman of the Coors Western Art Show and Sale
Holly Anderson, Vice Chair, Coors Western Art Show and Sale